

Female Rhinoplasty

Correction of the female nose is a delicate and sensitive matter. The surgeon often is confronted with a wide range of aesthetic demands. Female patients usually are not satisfied with a simple removal of a hump or straightening of the nose, but rather complex changes with very specific ideas and examples from social media are requested.

It requires a lot of sensitivity before the operation to discuss realistic expectations and possible results and to achieve the desired outcome during the surgical implementation.

Modern surgical techniques make it possible to fulfill many but not all wishes. Our goal is to achieve an individual and natural result.


Male Rhinoplasty

Male Rhinoplasty

In the recent time, the number of male patients who wish to have nose surgery in order to get rid of breathing problems or correct aesthetic deformities has increased. Due to anatomical and aesthetic differences, a male rhinoplasty operation is quite different to a female rhinoplasty: In general, men have thicker skin, larger and more sturdy structures, a higher likelihood of having a history of trauma, and different goals. Breathing issues also seem to be a much larger issue with men.


In den letzten Jahren hat sich die chirurgische Technik der Nasenkorrektur stark verändert, heutzutage ist es oft möglich, den natürlichen Nasenrücken und die natürlichen Strukturen der Nase zu erhalten. Wo Rhinoplastik früher häufig mit Hämmern und Meisseln assoziiert wurde, ist sie heute zu einer sehr delikaten Operation mit feinen Instrumenten geworden: Die Nasenkorrektur ist zu einer fast schmerzfreien Prozedur geworden, bei der die Knochen nicht mehr gebrochen werden müssen. Durch die Nutzung des Ultraschallmessers (Piezo) ist es möglich geworden, Knochen sanft und selektiv ohne Blutung zu durchtrennen. Während der Operation werden Knochen, Knorpel und Weichgewebe der Nase modelliert und die Winkel zu Oberlippe und Stirn werden bearbeitet um das angestrebte natürlich aussehende Ergebnis zu erzielen.

Revision Rhinoplasty

The goal of every surgeon and every surgical procedure is for the nose to only be operated on once, resulting in a good aesthetic outcome with good nasal air passage. While this is usually possible, no surgeon can guarantee a good result. Wound healing and scarring can cause cartilaginous and bony structures to shift, making a redisplacement and redeviation a possibility. Nasal revision surgery is a major challenge for both patient and surgeon: psychologically for the patient, and technically for the surgeon. Rigid scar tissue, lack of material for reconstruction and other problems make revision surgery a delicate and challenging matter. Often, the procurement of repair material from another location (ear cartilage, rib) is necessary. Healing after such a procedure also takes longer.


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